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According to the Erasmus+ Programme guide: “ there is a need to provide youth organisations and youth workers with training and
 cooperation opportunities, to develop their professionalism and the European dimension of youth work.” /p. 9/ Based on that
 perception and on our ambition to provide high-quality education that helps young people in the process of their social integration
 in Europe, we have designed the current project under the title “The Role of Effective Teaching”

 The main objectives of the project are improving teaching competencies, social competencies and cultural awareness of the “Sava
 Dobroplodny” Secondary School staff as well as competencies of communication in a foreign language and digital competences, through the participation in training courses in the Universities in Ireland and Spain. The universities training programme priorities are to provide teachers with practical guidance to help teachers to design and implement interactive, motivating activities; to help participants to develop their communication skills in English, to explore the potential of an inquiry-based project-work approach to CLIL through practical ideas for classroom management, lesson planning and materials development; to organize cultural awareness activities .

The project also aims:

 - to improve students learning and achievement in different subjects , digital and social competencies of students, as well as their cultural awareness and communication in English in the process of completing project activities aiming to incorporate the acquired knowledge through the mobility training programs into the school's learning environment;

 -to make familiar the rest of the school’s staff, teachers from other schools and university students with the mobility training
 programs content in order to enrich their knowledge in the field of interactive teaching

 The team of the participants consists of 9 teaching different subjects teachers. They have some experience in using interactive teaching strategies as a means to increase students’ motivation. The participants have different level of English /А2, В1, В2, С1/ but are willing to improve it. Most of them have qualifications in Methods of teaching. During the last five years they have taken part into different European projects that the school was working on. All of the participants are ambitious and keen to improve their teaching qualifications and to share the acquired skills and knowledge with the rest of the staff.

 The main project activities include:
 1. Preparation for the mobility training – organizing course in English, developing project site, pre-mobility workshop
 2. Mobility trainings – attending courses, obtaining Europass Mobility Certificates
 3. Activities for sharing and popularizing the acquired skills and obtained knowledge through the mobility training programs –
 organising seminars and workshops for teachers and university students, developing lessons, organising class activities using effective teaching strategies, students and teachers together will develop resources to be used in the teaching process and published in EM Panels for Schools & Projects, EPALE and SEG. An eTwinning project that gives opportunities for exchanging resources in a platform supporting multicultural communication is going to be run.

 Expected impact:

 1. Expected impact on the participants in mobility trainings – improving their teaching competencies, social competencies and cultural awareness as well as communication in English and digital competences; expanding their knowledge and skills in developing interactive, motivating classroom activities 

 2. Expected impact on the rest of the teaching staff, on the teachers from other schools in Shumen, on the students from The
 University of Shumen – enriching their teaching skills and knowledge through the organized workshops and seminars for sharing the learned during the mobility trainings

 3. Impact on the school's students –teams of students will take part in the process of creating resources in Bulgarian and English /students portfolios, multimedia presentations, group projects/. Consequently they will increase their communication in mother tongue and foreign language. In the process of creating these resources their social and digital competences will be influenced positively. Taking part in the planned eTwinning project, students are going to develop their cultural awareness.

 As a long-term outcomes, it is expected the acquired skills and knowledge during the mobility trainings to be permanently
 integrated into the teaching activities organized by school's staff and as a result to benefit current and future students in the
 process of developing key competencies for their social and professional integration in Europe through the systematic improvement
 of students’ communicative skills in English, their digital competences and through making them familiar with the cultural diversity in Global Europe.


Albena Dimitrova Ivanova-Nedelcheva - School Director

Plamena Markova Ilieva - Project Coordinator



Nikolay Rumenov Rajnov - EFL Teacher

Veselin Velikov Zhechev -Biology and Geography Teacher

Viktoria Hristova Ruseva -Choreography Teacher


Katya Belcheva Dimitrova - Literature Teacher

Nora Dimitrova Balanska - Literature Teacher

Gaina Doycheva Dimitrova - Primary Teacher

Desislava Stoycheva Gineva -IT Teacher

Hristina Todorova Dencheva - Music Teacher

Antoni Valentinov Stoychev - MUsic Teacher

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